The PhyChip project has been featured in Horizon, The EU Research and Innovation magazine. The article, written by Rex Merrifield, is currently the number one most popular article on the Horizon website (2pm 25th February 2015 UK time) You can…
The PhyChip team were pleased to have been awarded best paper at the Bio-inspired Information and Communication Technologies 8th International Conference which was held in Massachusetts, USA, in December 2014. The paper, titled ‘Bio-Inspired Game Theory: The Case of Physarum…
The Federated Conference of Computer Science and Information Systems have announced their first international workshop on Biological, Chemical and Physical Computations (BCPC’15) and advertised a call for paper and position paper submissions. The Workshop is a unique interdisciplinary workshop which brings…
PhyChip featured in an article by Lisa Zyga in Phys.org about the properties of slime mould and research being undertaken on its use in solving computer problems. In particular the article looked at the research of Professor Andy Adamatzky (UWE…
The Applied Mathematics Research Centre (AMRC) at Coventry University held a workshop titled ‘Networking Transportation Networkers’ at their Techno Centre on 25th and 26th September 2013 in the UK at which Professor Andrew Adamatzky (UWE PhyChip) and Dr Jeff Jones…
The University of Surrey invited Professor Andrew Adamatzky (PhyChip UWE) to give a keynote, titled Physarum Chip: Towards Slime Mould Computers, at the UK Workshop On Computational Intelligence on 11th September 2013 . The full workshop programme can be found on the University…