Given the current rise of interdisciplinary research at the edge of sciences and art, especially areas related to novel and inspired computing paradigms, chemical and biological computing in Europe, we would like to exemplify this movement by exceeding discipline boundaries: Focusing on the hot and inquisitive topics of bringing innovative designs of future computing devices to the sight of the general public and laymen via arts, and on scientific research to engage also the arts.

Exhibtion of physarum polycephalum experiments at Ars Electronica Festival by Theresa Schubert.
Many aspects of the unconventional computing research are based on the interplay between organic forms and their environment. The laboratory prototypes of unconventional computers, the slime-mould based PhyChips, work on principles of morphological computation, where results of computation are represented by spatially extended patterns. These patterns of the physically embedded computation require new modes of design thinking arising from the work of inter-disciplinary teams from art, science and engineering. They represent a huge potential for inspiring academic art and scientific research communities via creativity.
The approach will result in promoting scientific understanding, addressing relevant issues about scientific discovery for society through arts, creating a community interested in the interplay between art and sciences. We will catalyse idea translation through art and design experiments: Possibly this could redefine the social role of art in the context of applied collaboration with focused scientific research.
Currently there are 2 art projects in development respectively already public accessible:
- Chroma+Phy
a speculative design for a living wearable and sensor
- Bodymetries
a generative projection environment
- PhyTracker
a open computer vision system for sonification
- Bio-modular
a electronic modular system for sonification
A publication is in print:
“Experiencing the Unconventional. Science in Art”, World Scientific 2015.